This is a blog for an eTwinning project, through which we make research about the traces of Ottoman Empire all over Europe and parts of Asia.
My mixed-team while challenging to the other teams on Kahoot game.
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My mixed-team(Beste&Mert from Gürçeşme KSS Anatolian High School and Zuhal&Zeyneb from Selçuklu Anatolian High School) prepared a video about one of the Ottoman artifacts(the Grand Bazaar) as the other teams did and challenged each other on Kahoot game. They had a great time together.
EMİNE OKÇU/ŞEHİT TÜRKMEN TEKİN ANATOLIAN RELIGIOUS VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL We held an online meeting for our last webinar and Turkish Musicians Şükriye Tutkun and Sinan İşvaroğlu were with us.
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